Friday, November 29, 2013

Black Friday Troubles

The family is crowding around this and laughing, and I know it's not going to end well... Help!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!


Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! May your day be full of thanks... and turkeys! All my readers and friends in the cat blogosphere- I am so thankful for you! We're like big circle of unbreakable meows, so thank you! 

I'm also thankful for my home, my legs healing, food, toys, my comfy bed and rug, and everything else in my life. I feel really bad for those cats (and people) that aren't as lucky as me, so include them in your thanks tonight! 

While the two big people are preparing food, I think I'll be hanging out in the backyard. Cooking is intense. 

Speaking of cooking and yards...I think it's almost time to bring out the Christmas/winter decorations on the blog....

Once again, Happy Thanksgiving!
What are you thankful for?

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Sunday, November 17, 2013

The Jungle Cat

Have a great Sunday, everyone! I'll just be exploring the humongous world. 


Saturday, November 16, 2013

The Blue String

It's come to my attention that there's been an intruder around the house. 

He's blue. Slithery. Suave.  


And he's right beneath my nose. 

I tried my hand at a quick burst of capturing this creature, but he keeps getting away! 



Monday, November 11, 2013

Happy Veterans Day

Hi, everyone! I'd just like to take a minute to remember all of the animals and humans that serve our country. 

On top of that, I'd like to honor Tiddles, Faith, PFC Hammer, and all the other cats who have found themselves in the midst of war. 

Tiddles: Tiddles served with the HMS Victorious, the British aircraft carrier, in the 1940's. It's estimated that he sailed for over 30,000 miles. 

Faith: On the morning of September 6, 1940, Faith moved herself and her single kitten to the upper floor of the basement at her residence, sensing something strange- just one day before London was bombed. She and her kitten were rescued by Father Henry Ross, and she was later awarded a medal for "Steadfast  Courage in the Battle of London."

PFC Hammer: PFC Hammer found himself at home with a U.S. Army Troop in Iran, who served as their food specialist (keeping the mice away from their meals) and was made an honorary member. With the help from several organizations, Hammer was brought to the US, and now lives with his old friend, Sergeant Rick Bousefield. 

Let us honor our service cats, men, and women today, for we might not be here without them. 

You can read about more service cats at: